Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Art Smart Blog

Manet was pivotal in the evolution of art. He was the initiator of modern art because he rejected what had been done in art and stood apart from his piers. He did not cater his art to any particular group and apposed authority.

I think he wanted the world to know that even though they had this new leisure time and new technologies, humanity had not changed. There is a dirty/ not so nice side to life, no matter their station, and one shouldn't forget it.
The other impressionists deviated from the accepted ways of making art and focused on the everyday Bourgeois life. Their art caused change but, it did not push the limits as much as the work of Manet. Their work opened the door and Manet's walked us through it to a vast new freedom that the modernists reveled in.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Final Project Ideas

I would like to continue using my senior show theme, Taking Flight for this piece. I want to have a series of three landscape pieces that incorporate parts of paintings that I have created for my senior show. Another idea that I would like to try is to create a series of 3 self portraits using similar images and pictures of myself.

Digital Painting

Cherise & Stormy

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Master Study- Lady Gray

CreatorThomas Lawrence, European; British, 1769 - 1830, (artist)
TitleCatherine Gray, Lady Manners
Lady Louisa (Tollemache) Manners (1745-1840), Later Countess of Dysart, as Juno
Materialoil on canvas

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This is my collage piece!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The theme for my photomontage project is Taking Flight. This theme is also the title of my senior show. I have some images of the sky and of some leaves blowing in the wind. I plan to layer these with one or two of intaglio prints and watercolor images. I would like to incorporate a picture of me into the collage as well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where I Want to Be?
Home. At Peace. Free.

Partner Collage