Monday, September 28, 2009

Motion & Depth of Field

Stop Action
f 3.2

Blur Action
f 2.8

Wide Depth of Field
f 3.2

Shallow Depth of Field
f 3.2

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Composition: Photo Project 2

1) Shelly

Shutter Speed: 1/40
Aperture: f 3.2
Exposure Mode: P
Composition Technique: Birds Eye
Element or Principle: Emphasis
Description: I took this photo looking down at Shelly from standing on top of the foundation monument in the campus green.

2) Lamp

Shutter Speed: 1/500
Aperture: f 4.0
Exposure Mode: P
Composition Technique: Worms Eye
Element or Principle: Shapes
Description: I took this photo looking up a wall on Main street at an interesting shaped lamp.

3) New

Shutter Speed: 1/250
Aperture: f 3.2
Exposure Mode: Auto
Composition Technique: Unusual Angle/ Leading Lines
Element or Principle: Emphasis
Description: I took this photo on Main street. It is of an up close view of a flower bed.

4) Kirstin

Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f 2.8
Exposure Mode: P
Composition Technique: Birds Eye
Element or Principle: Line
Description: I took this photo looking over the top of the steps of Lincoln Hall down at Kirstin sitting on the steps.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Artistic Heroes

5) Ansel Adams

He was an amazing photographer and co-founder of f/64. His images are high contrast and include every shade of gray from white to black. He seems to capture in each image, no matter the subject, with a sense of majesty and intensity. Looking at an Ansel Adams photo is like seeing clearly.

4) Winifred Lee

I am in awe Lee's use of color and luminosity the she brings to her paintings. They are wonderful! Winifred is a Chinese watercolor artist. She currently lives in Richmond, BC and at the age of 75 is still producing wonderful pieces of art!!


3) Artemisia Gentileschi

She was a woman painter in a male world. She overcame much in her life and sacrificed her reputation to be an artist. She used an extensive pallet in all of her paintings and was a master of contrast. I also like her use of symbolism and passion in her works.


2) My Sisters & Parents

At a very young age my sisters taught me how to draw and color. We would spend all afternoon together coloring and painting. My mother is a natural artist. She encouraged all of us to be creative and taught us to sew and allowed us to wreak havoc in her house with all kinds of crafts and creations! My father can in my opinion do anything. He can fix automobiles, doors, build houses, fences, barns, and panels. He taught me to weld, dig post holes, and to fix things for myself. If I wanted a new shelf in my room or a sculpture in the back yard. I could go out to the garage and make it!

My eldest sister, Joyclyn, is a constant influence to my work. She is a stay at home mom and portrait artist. This picture is a drawing she did of her 2nd son, Colby. He was in the hospital for 14 weeks after he was born premature.


1) Michelangelo Buonarroti

When I was 16 I read an inspiring book about the life and art of Michelangelo. It was titled The Odyssey and the Ecstasy. Since then, I have looked up to him as an artist. His work is stunning and speaks not only to the educated, but the masses. His work allows the viewer to transcend the physical realm into a spiritual experience and gain new insight. It speaks to the core of our humanity.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Assignment #1 My Life

My name: Cherise M. Smith

Childhood ambition: supermodel...! yeah about that...

Fondest Memory: Long walks at my parents ranch.

Proudest moment: High school graduation, Valedictorian! Woot Woot!

Biggest challenge: Procrastination...

Alarm clock: is evil!

Perfect Day: sleeping in till noon, couch, movie, my fiancé, and take out!

Indulgence: ice cream!

Favorite movie: Dirty Dancing

Soundtrack: New Soal, Yael Naim/ Foundations, Kate Nash

Inspirations: Music, Nature, Family, Astronomy, Mythology, and mood swings

My life is: Peachy

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Welcome to my blog gallery! my art work for Digital Imaging will be posted here!